Property Reports
The more information you have when buying, selling or renting a property the better! To help we've partnered with a leading data provider to help you get the information you need when moving home.
Our Key Facts for Buyers reports provide a wealth of information to you and does so in a single report format, saving you time searching the Internet for such information.
All you need is a postcode and we'll do the rest. CHECK OUT A SAMPLE REPORT BELOW
What can your property report tell you?
Our Property Reports are designed with you in mind, being detailed enough for most people's initial needs, yet simple to read and understand.
Not only will you get property specific information, including such information as Local Area Information, Schools, Transport, Prices in the Area, Planning information on the particular property, but our reports can also provide:
Property overview information
Title plan
Aerial imagery
Boundary map
Photo gallery
EPC and energy information
Local Sales information
Property market trends, etc
Our report will include a map showing the Land Registry Title Plan (showing the property, parking, garden areas, etc.)
You'll get a floorplan and photo gallery so you can delve into the detail of the property you've chosen.
Planning application history is provided so you can see what's happened over the years at the property.
Property Value
As we know an important factor in property value is Location Location Location, our property reports provide a wealth of location information and you can also see lots of information in respect of local property sales. ALL THIS FOR ONLY £19.99 INCLUSIVE
Terms and conditions apply, information above is provided subject to availability to our partners, Sprift and may be subject to change. All information provided is for guidance purposes only and you should not rely solely on information provided in our reports for making property related decisions. Always obtain advice from a suitably qualified Professional before legal committment to purchase occurs and/or expenditure is incurred by you. Totallymoving and Castle Surveyors Ltd. are totally reliant upon Sprift as information/data provider and does not warrant or otherwise guarantee the accuracy of any information or conclusions. By choosing to purchase our reports, you accept these terms and risks associated with information provided.