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Property Valuations

Filling in the short form below will immediately give you a set of estimates for a Valuation Report/Survey on your property.  This set of prices will be directly from Building Surveyors or estate agents who cover your local area.  You will also be given their full contact details.  You can then contact them directly to discuss their prices and service.  If you decide to place an order you will deal with them directly.  There is no intermediary.

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What is a Valuation Report?


A Valuation Report on a property is usually arranged by a Bank, Building Society or Finance Provider, when they are considering providing a mortgage. The aim of the report is to inform the lender of the value of the property and to ensure the mortgage is appropriate.  It does not involve a thorough inspection of the property and in some cases may not even involve a visit.  It is a slimmed down report and will not have the detail that would be found in a HomeBuyer Report or in a Building Survey.


Why might you need a Valuation Report?


A Valuation Report may also be commissioned for probate after the owner or one of the owners of a property has become deceased.  Another situation is where a divorced couple are working through the difficult process of dividing up their joint property and hence need to determine a reasonably accurate value but possibly without actually proceeding to a sale.  A valuation is also useful for a sale within a family.


Before selecting a possible Surveyor you should ensure that they have satisfactory qualifications, accreditation, experience and insurance.


If you decide to commission a HomeBuyer Report, please bear in mind that it will not usually also include a valuation but you will need to check this with your chosen Surveyor, to confirm what is included.


If you would like more information on the differences between surveys, please follow the link: CLICK HERE.

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