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Choose this report if dealing with a large, older or run-down property where you'd like more detail than a Level 2 Home Survey.  Often chosen when a building is Listed, unusual or significantly altered, or if you’re planning major works.



Choose this report if you need more extensive information whilst buying or selling a conventional house, flat or bungalow, built after say 1840 from traditional building materials and in seemingly reasonable condition.



Property valuations come in many different forms and are used for varoius purposes, including Probate, Matrimonial disputes, Insurance, Compulsory Purchase, Help to Buy release, Leasehold Extensions and much more.  Remember though, a Lender valuation is essentially for them.


Buying a new home can be complicated, stressful and expensive, that's why we've teamed up with Local Surveyors Director to provide you with the ability to obtain instant and FREE to obtain quotations for Building Surveys, Level 2 Home Surveys and Valuations.

Knowing when to instruct your Surveyor is the first step to success, see below where we outline a simple process you may choose to follow.


Financing the purchase

It's a good first step to ensure you have the money to purchase your chosen property.  That may sound obvious, however if you're funding the purchase via a mortgage, unless the Lender has confirmed they are willing to lend you the money on that particular property, then effectively you don't have the money yet.

So step one, ensure your funds are confirmed.


Survey or Legals first?

In essence this is a personal choice and will be dependent upon the circumstances.  However as a general 'Rule of Thumb', try to minimise risks associated with the purchase by timing your decisions correctly to suit the property, so determine what has the most chance of stopping you progressing your purchase, if the property is leasehold, you may wish to put legals before survey as the lease may have restrictions or costs say, if freehold then it may be appropriate to undertake the survey first so your lawyers will be able to refer to the survey report as part of their pre-purchase investigations.


Which type of survey to choose?

Generally speaking if the property was built after say 1850 (Victorian era), of traditional construction materials/methods and is seemingly in a reasonable condition (wear and tear excluded), then you could choose the RICS Level 2 Home Survey Report.  If more complex, significantly extended and/or non-traditional (in terms of modern methods of construction) design, then the RICS Level 3 Building Survey may be more suitable.  However, the decision is yours and you may choose whichever type of report you can afford and/or suits your requirements.


Get in Touch

Totallymoving is a comprehensive lead provider service that helps you source quotes for legal, survey, removals and builder services quickly and easily.

Using our powerful search engine, we can quickly locate the best quotes to suit your needs, giving you more time to focus on your your home move.

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